Specialised B2B Consulting and Research Firm
Established since 1993, Intercedent Asia is a specialist consulting and research firm serving organisations managing and establishing business-to-business operations in the Asia Pacific region.
A multidimensional approach, the Strategic Market Assessment can be implemented in its entirety or in stand-alone modules, according to client requirements. Key modules would typically include demand characteristics, competitive dynamics, industry structure, policy environment, macroeconomic analysis and forecasts, political risk, and channel management. Recommendations would relate to market potential, key success factors, and optimal positioning.
Strategic Market Analysis and Assessment
Assessment of commercial customer needs, key leverage points in the decision-making processes, and key selection criteria for preferred suppliers, considering both "qualifiers" and differentiators" in the selection process. Recommendations will be made on how the client can maximise sales and build a relationship with potential key accounts. Best practices in satisfying customers will be revealed.
Customer Satisfaction Measurement
Predictive modeling of mutually exclusive market scenarios. Extrapolating and interpreting past trends with a view to predicting likely future outcomes. Typically, this would involve the consideration of various externalities and their impact on market conditions (e.g. the success of the ASEAN Free Trade Area or China's accession to the WTO).
Scenario Modelling
A forward-looking analysis of the market prospects for a product/service category, highlighting potential impediments to establishing a sustainable presence for the market concerned. Recommendations would centre on the market entry (or development) strategy accenting marketing issues such as optimal pricing (PSM/conjoint), distribution, and organisation.
Strategic Partner Identification / Screening
A forward-looking analysis of the market prospects for a product/service category, highlighting potential impediments to establishing a sustainable presence for the market concerned. Recommendations would centre on the market entry (or development) strategy accenting marketing issues such as optimal pricing (PSM/conjoint), distribution, and organisation.
Market Entry Planning and Implementation
Investigation of regional or local market competitors can reveal new or potential competitors and proactively anticipate competitor countermoves. Companies can also learn from (benchmark) competitor successes and failures as well as discover possible acquisition targets.
Competitive Mapping / Benchmarking
Identification, weighting, and modeling of the key parameters that would determine an optimal business location. The principles of site location can be applied to such diverse activities as a centre for aircraft parts overhaul or the best location for an oil refinery. It could also be used as a decision support framework to select the best site for a regional headquarters or shared service centre.
Site Location Appraisal and Selection
Advice on the most effective organisational structure for regional or country-level operations with reference to legal issues (equity/distribution options), practical considerations of market management, and profit potential. With reference to strategic aims and market conditions, Intercedent would reveal insights vital for guiding organisational structure.
Organisational Structure in Asia Pacific Markets